A Powerful

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the way we work

Harnessing the Power of Plants - from Farm to Fork

Südzucker Group is passionate about leveraging the power of plants. Today, we are more than a large-scale processor of agricultural raw materials into high-quality products. We accelerate plant-based innovations to create circular economy models that conserve resources. An integrated group of companies with diverse divisions and technologies in different scaling sizes, Südzucker Group takes its core strengths and operates along the entire plant-based value chain. Driven to ensure the future of our customers, our planet and its natural resources, Südzucker Group develops plant-based solutions and products that will sustainably and positively transform agriculture, food, packaging, fuel, and more.

our divisions

Broad Expertise

Südzucker Group specializes in a wide range of agricultural, food and bio-economy markets, covering the whole value chain from farmer to consumer. Processing the sugar beets of our farmers and selling beet sugar once formed the foundation of our company - but now we are so much more! Today, Südzucker Group operates in five business segments: specialty products/consumer markets, CropEnergies (i.e. bio-ethanol), starch, fruit and of course sugar. We see the whole picture – the spectrum of possibilities in bio-based solutions for a more sustainable economy and society. We convert our expertise in technology, agriculture, circular economy and food/bio-economy markets into B2B and B2C innovations.

a powerful network

Our Innovation  Ecosystem

We believe in the power of plants. To harness this potential, we focus on four “innovation lighthouse” themes: plant-based proteins (meat & fish), bio-based chemicals & decarbonization, sustainability & climate strategy, and digitalization & digital service solutions. Our ecosystem partners draw on broad technological capabilities to grow ideas more profitablly and faster than market peers.

our collaborative innovation

With You all the Way

Our collaborative network empowers the abilities and passion of our people to go further. Together, we can extend technologies to create market-driven value by valorizing the whole biomass of plants and developing circular economy solutions. We can develop, produce and supply plant-based solutions – for nutrition, energy and beyond.

cooperation possibilities

Team Up with Experts

Our highly-motivated and diverse Innovation Team wants to connect, collaborate, accelerate and scale with you.

our team

The Open Innovation
Team  of Südzucker Group

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Dr. Johann Maier

Head of Agricultural Research, Südzucker Group

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Dr. Liv Jánváry

Project Manager New Business Development, BENEO

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Geert Van Aelst

Head of Sustainability, Südzucker Division Sugar

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Dr. Alain Graf

Head of BENEO Innovation Cell, BENEO

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Severin Guski

Innovation Project Manager, Austria Juice

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Matthias Magin

Head of Corporate Development, Südzucker Group

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Dr. Peter Risser

Head of Agricultural Research Farm, Südzucker Group

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Stefan Marhöfer

New Product Development Manager, Südzucker Group

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