Let’s jointly create impact.

theBarn is an Open Innovation Platform powered by Südzucker Group. Our team consists of passionate “planthusiasts”, food innovators, bioeconomy specialists and entrepreneurial agronomists who share a vision of creating a more sustainable agri-food sector.
At this crucial turning point in our planet’s health, we believe we can use the power of plants for good. As an expert in food tech, Südzucker Group can draw on its core competencies and access to the complete supply chain from farm to fork to build partnerships with startups and entrepreneurs and co-develop the next big solution together.
Let's Connect and Work Together
Whether you’re working on technologies or solutions for food, energy, sustainable packaging, or any other area defined in our search fields of interest, we can help you on your way to market readiness: from joint development to lab-scale testing & prototyping to market entry and commercial cooperations.
Co-Creating a Plant-Based Future
We want to work with future partners like you: entrepreneurs, technologists, innovators and disruptors in the agri food tech sector committed to changing the way we eat, move and package.
You benefit from collaborating with the leading integrated company for the development, production and supply of novel and sustainable bio-based solutions. We benefit from your innovative ideas. Sounds good?
Our Fields
of Interest
Novel, wholesome sweetening solutions
We take sweetening into the future.

Sustainable, alternative proteins farm to fork
We scout and develop new sustainable (plant) proteins.

Bio-based chemicals
We contribute to regenerative solutions in chemistry.

Sustainable farming
We are innovating agriculture to ensure safe raw material supply for future food, feed, energy and other sectors while protecting the climate and reducing the usage of resources.

Sustainable manufacturing
We explore new ways to make manufacturing more sustainable.